Newsletter 2021 Term 3
2021 Term 3 Newsletter – SJW Scouts
Group night, Friday 30 Jul 2021 from 5:30
Invitation here. For parents and Scouts. Many Scouts rate it as the best night of the term.
Chris Yesberg will be presented his ASM award by Chief Commissioner Daryl Scott
Volunteers requested for BBQ helpers for cooking and clean-up. Credit card payment option being trialled.
Talk to committee members (Chair Nick) if you can help around the den, or fundraising.
Working bee Sat 7 Aug from 8 to 12 noon
Come along and help – children with parent supervision. General clean-up of grounds and light maintenance. Bring tip vouchers, gloves, shovel, wheelbarrow, post hole digger. Looking for volunteer to drive to rubbish tip (two loads).
Volunteer changes:
Joey Scout Leader Warwick moving to Cubs in term 4.
Joey Scout Leader Tony has moved to Scouts but will continue helping in Joeys in term 4.
Cub Scout Leader Lisa moving to Venturers in term 4.
Cub Scout Leader Emma P on maternity – all the best!
Rover Scout Rhiannah takes up role as Gang Show Director.
Urgent need for three more Joey Scout Leaders. Please ask family and friends.
Help needed
Looking for parent(s) to coordinate fundraising that involves youth learning new skills and participating. Aim for two events per year.
Also group committee secretary, Quartermaster, extra help with keeping den and grounds clean, assistant leader (administration).
Adventurous activities
Adventurous bike ride along the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail (27-29 Aug) and preparatory day trip (8 Aug) for experienced cyclists. Canoe trip term 4. Look for the C4 permission forms.
New payment method for camps via Operoo
Credit card payment trial underway for camp fees direct from the Operoo C4 permission form. Optional, but if successful will make it mandatory to reduce volunteer administration. Credit card payment option for group night dinner. Feedback welcome.
10 cent bottle donation update
Please donate direct into the red bin, and inform GL if bin is 80% full. Did you know you can donate poppers?
Bowls club/new building/renovation/bridge
Venturer den upstairs has new ceiling, new lights/electrics and was awarded eco-Biz star partner for sustainability. Outside works completed: new sandstone retaining wall and external path. Target this term: floor repair, toilet partitions and painting. Rovers are replacing their kitchen.
Carpark: Expecting carpark and temporary bridge completion this term. Then old bridge demolished and rebuilt and temporary bridge removed.
Bowls Club: Council is still evaluating tenders from last year.