Badges-Personal Progression

Personal Progression using badges/awards

The video (left) explains it!

Scouts has a well developed method for youth to progressively learn how to lead their activities using a structured approach. The program planning worksheets are on the national site.

The system provides structured challenges in leadership, outdoor skills and personally direct projects, as well as a leadership course and journey.

Program on a poster

This is a great introduction, and be sure to check out the slides at the bottom of the page.

The badge system

This system encourages and acknowledges personal growth of the Scouts.

First badge: Introduction to Scouting, then Introduction to Section

Then, in parallel

Milestones (1, 2, 3)  --- Special interest areas (SIA) --- OAS

Peak award (after Leadership course; Adventurous journey, reflection)

This is called the Personal Progression Framework

Details: The peak award requires Milestone 3, six SIA badges (across 2 or more areas), OAS progressions (depends on section) leadership course, journey and reflection.

Diagram shows details for Cub Scouts, other sections here (look for the Peak Award tab).

Introduction badges

These badges provide context about the Scouting movement, and the particular section (age range). We have created worksheets for some sections, and all the requirements are available in the digital system (Terrain).

Introduction to Scouting - see this worksheet.

Introduction to the Joey Scout Section (age 5-8) - see this worksheet.

Introduction to the Cub Scout Section (age 8-10) - see this worksheet.

Introduction to the Scout Section (age 10-15) - see this worksheet. 

Requirements and Progress recording (Terrain)

Scouts has a free digital app, Terrain (log in with scout member number and DOB as YYYY-MM-DD) and alternative paper record books. The digital system allows youth and leaders to record progress, and has a comprehensive list of all the requirements, which can be downloaded as PDF pages if desired.

Contact your leaders to have your password reset.    

Terrain support/manuals/videos/fact sheets: Terrain Website

Adult Leader, Youth and Parent Guide (Courtesy of Samford Scout Group): Group Terrain Manual (Leader access using your Scoutsqld email.)

Three books: 

#1 Badge record books now  available for the new system. Buy the appropriate books below (Hint: log on under the "leader (will be renamed member" side with your scout membership number - use the forgotten password link if required):

Joey Scout Record Book

Cub Scout Record Book

Scout Record Book

Venturer Scout Record Book

Rover Scout Record Book

#2: Outdoor Adventure Skills

#3: Most Scouts will require a logbook of activities completed such as camps, which you should complete online in Terrain.

3 Milestones

Milestones record the normal activity of Scouts, including learning leadership skills by doing. All Scouts are capable of completing the milestones if interested and would normally complete a milestone each year.


- 24 participates (6 from each Challenge Area)

- 2 Assists (from two different Challenge Areas) 

- 1 Lead (one activity from any Challenge Area of your choice.)


- 20 participates (5 from each Challenge Area)

- 3 Assists (from two different Challenge Areas) 

- 2 Leads (two activities from any Challenge Area(s) of your choice.)


- 16 participates (4 from each Challenge Area)

- 4 Assists (from at least two different Challenge Areas)

- 4 Leads (from any Challenge Area(s) of your choice)

Participate - Assist - Lead - means???

Here it is explained.

Participate - Assist - Lead

Special Interest Areas

SIAs are badges that Scout earn for any worthwhile project, within six broad categories, and following the plan, do, review framework. Approval is required after the "plan" stage and on completion. 

SIA badgework plans ("proposals") can be prepared on paper forms and entered by adults . There is  a separate form for Cubs and Joeys, and one for Scouts, Venturer and Rovers

Main site - Qld scouts

SIA video introduction 

Adults Leader Guide to SIA 

Resources for all sections 

Effort required for each section: Joeys=2 hours; Cubs=4 hours; Scouts=8 hours; Venturers=12 hours and Rovers=18 hours.

It is important to understand that the badge is awarded after the effort has been made, regardless of the outcome as that encourages goals that are a challenge, rather than safe.

Six SIAs across two areas are required for the peak award.

Outdoor Adventure Skills (OAS) 

These badges caters for all skill levels over a broad range of outdoor, physical activities and are earnt by competency regardless of age, so an 18 year old may be earning an alpine badge stage 1 alongside a six year old.

OAS Assessors and approvals

Outdoor Adventure Skills (OAS) is competency based, so trained youth and leaders are required as assessors. The SJW qualified assessors are on notice boards inside the dens.

There is an app, Terrain, for recording progress, or jump online and buy the nicely bound copy from ScoutShop.

OAS progression examples for peak awards

Each section requires a level in the core areas (Bushcraft, Bushwalking and Camping) and a total number of progressions in any area (including the core areas). These are in the table below. Badge requirements are in the Terrain app and PDFs can be downloaded.

Joeys: Stage 1 in core areas: No other progressions required.

Cubs: Stage 3 in core areas plus 8 progressions total.

Scouts: Stage 5 in core areas plus 10 progressions total.

Venturers: Stage 5 in core areas plus 12 progressions total (4 of which are stage 4 or higher).

Rovers: Stage 5 in core areas plus 14 progressions (6 of which are Stage 4 or higher).

Q's busts myth that OAS progression requirements are too difficult if an earlier peak award is achieved using some maths and hints with an example using cycling and paddling as areas of interest ->

OAS progression for peak award example

Adventurous Journey

Plan and undertake an adventurous journey, which can be bushwalking, canoe, bike or other means that connects with the outdoors, with some other Scouts. Key requirements: Only one or two Scouts can plan and achieve the requirement on any journey. The size of the party is variable to suit the journey and risks. Scouts should be competent and can be drawn from the current or higher age section. Adults need to be available to help if required. (Note these requirements differ to the Record book and clarification is being sought).

More details in Terrain.

Leadership course

The leadership course is an internal Scout, or recognised external course developing leadership skills. More details in Terrain.

Personal Reflection

This is the last step of the peak award, and encourages the Scout to reflect on their achievements and beliefs to facilitate further personal growth. More details in Terrain.

Badge placement/ explanation

The uniform layout is organised into three themed panels:

Badge Placement PDF (click here). Hint: Sew badges right at the top and bottom edges of the sleeves as space is limited.

A paid service (not affiliated with Scouts): Helens Embroidery and Sewing, 0418 889 959

The Scout Program

All Scout programs should be adventurous, fun, challenging and inclusive for all Scouts. 

What's really important is that Scouts in all Sections are planning for and leading the programming of their Unit as much as possible, appropriately supported by older Scouts and our Adults. Some Scouts may need support to contribute their ideas, and to deliver their ideas in the program.

Challenge areas

There are four Challenge Areas that support ideas generation & make up the Scouting Program, these are; Community Challenge, Creative Challenge, Outdoors Challenge and Personal Growth Challenge.  Challenge Areas - more info

Some Ideas Are:

Projects could be:

Some Ideas Are:

Projects could be:

Some Ideas Are:

Projects could be:

Some Ideas Are:

Projects could be:

Plan -- Do -- Review using SPICES

All activities use the "Plan - do - Review" circle and youth reflect on their adventures and achievements using a structured method called SPICES. SPICES enable Scouts of all ages to understand the Educational Objectives of the Scout program and how they apply to their personal development. Leaders support Youth during the Review process, using prepared ‘I Statements’ that explain the developmental expectations of sectional age ranges and sets of SPICES Cards that feature questions relating to the SPICES that spark reflection on activities and aid in the understanding of personal growth. 

SJW Rover Scout Rhiannah and RA Jarrad give some tips on performing a skit.