Parent Duties

Every family asked to join a parent patrol and volunteer an hour a month.

(Ready to join - use this Operoo form)

Scouting operates because many volunteers see the benefits that scouting provides to their children and society. Scouting fees are low compared to other activities because everybody contributes to the movement. For those parents and friends of scouts that are leaders, committee members, adult helpers, and parent patrol members, we thank you. For those of you yet to find a way to contribute, there are lots of opportunities. We need everybody to help a little bit rather than a few people doing more than their fair share of work. All of the leaders and committee members work and have their own family, so it is possible for busy people to help.

Important: Parent patrols are new to SJW Scout Group, so we are all learning and developing the system. Your patience and feedback is appreciated.

Time commitment: 1 hour per month during term - 10 hours per year.

Parent patrols to join:

Housekeeping patrol - Weekly clean of both dens: vacuum or sweep; mop floors; clean toilet; top up cleaning supplies.

Social patrol - Organise family camp and one or more other social activities.

Fundraising - Pie drive, wine drive, any other ideas. Manage "Containers for Change" bins.

BBQ coordinators patrol Organise group night BBQs and Bunnings. Typically each team of two people organises two BBQs per year.

Parent Liaison - welcome and support new members.

Building and Grounds maintenance - maintain the buildings and Q Store equipment

Promotions and Public Relations - getting the message out about Scouting.

Other ways to help (details here).

If your family doesn't have a role yet, please select one of the open positions above or let us know how else you can help the group. We need every family helping to keep the group functioning well.

Nominate using this Operoo form.

Parent Patrols Introduction

We have introduced a way for all families to help our group, it’s called Parent Patrols.   Lots of Scout groups have already done this so we know it works!

Parent Patrols are small groups of parents that each help run one component of St Johns Wood Scout Group to support activities. 

We need at least one parent (or aunt/ uncle/ grandparent) from each family to participate in a parent patrol (except where a family has a parent that is already a volunteer leader or committee member).

The reason we are all here is to ensure that the kids have a great experience and grow from it.  

We have Parent patrols help to support the group and the leaders running programs for the kids.

Our Patrols

Parent Liaison Patrol

New starter procedure – group actions

New starter - briefing points - in no particular order

1. how to order a uniform

2. why join scouts

3. time and financial commitment

4. online application form - check completed

5. what activities are away from the den?

6. what are award badges, why should parents care and where do I find out about them?

7. Communications: email group, FB closed page, messenger chat. Encourage parents to join FB and messenger straight away.

Social Patrol

Fundraising Patrol

Building Maintenance and Q Store

Parent Patrol Explainer Video

Duty statements

