Housekeeping - each section rostered on once per term
Many hands make light work!
Main (lower) den
Main activity area:
Store chairs and wooden folding tables against wall - stacked neatly.
Roller tables - unlock casters, tilt table top (handle under top) and store back right side of den.
Clean blackboard (can wet chux or duster if needed) and whiteboard using chux and spray and wipe
Occasional: Sweep floor - do not sweep rubbish out the door - into bin please. A blower works well for dusting.
Main den kitchen – wash/dry/put away.
Replace tea towels and hand towels if dirty/wet and take home to wash; Put clean ones out.
Top up hand wash/ check detergent supplies.
Empty rubbish bin if full or has food in it - replace bag. The main rubbish wheelie bin is behind the red 10c bins in the car park.
Tidy group shelves - check all boxes have labels visible and are on correct shelf. Put equipment away in correct location or the "to be sorted" shelf.
Any leftover craft consumables - take home
<picture of tidy den coming soon>
Venturer (upstairs) den
Clean toilet - use chux for outside of bowl if dirty and dispose
Empty rubbish bins if full or has food in it - replace bag. The main rubbish wheelie bin is behind the red 10c bins in the car park.
Sweep floor in toilet/foyer area. Mop floor if dirty. If mop cloth is dirty, please take home to wash and return.
Top up handwash/toilet paper; check supplies and buy as needed (bulk bottle in toilet high shelf) - BUT only products we have already please.
Shake mats (inside and outside door)
Report any issues to Leader or GL.
If you see anything else that needs doing, please check with one of the section leaders and go for it. I expect a few other items will become obvious as we proceed.
Venturers: Monthly: sweep top den floor and mop once per term or if dirty.
Grounds and Bins
walk around grounds and collect rubbish (into council bin in carpark), large rocks (put into bush areas around bottom of cliff ) and sticks - into fireplace at bottom of cliff opposite main (lower) den door.
Particular care to clean firewood / mess left over from cooking – sometimes behind the den.
Recycle container bins “Containers for Change”. Key is in lock box on fence - leaders know code. Use "pusher" to push containers to back of bin. If completely full, change "insert" over to the empty bin and Email: Scouts recycling. or phone on 3290 0718. Tidy up cardboard/rubbish and any donated bottles outside bin. Optional: open red bin at start of night and lock at end for easier parent donations. See GL for lock box code for bin keys. Hint: can "overfill" red bin and push lid down to maximise contents and minimise truck movements.
Monday night: Bring bins in from street and store on concrete path behind Rover den.
Friday night: take rubbish wheelie bin to street if it is half full or smelly.
If you see anything else that needs doing, please check with one of the section leaders and go for it. I expect a few other items will become obvious as we proceed.
Joey parents - toilets
Flush toilet; clean if required. Lock up if Venturers off-site.
Lock up parents - top den - each section to have a few parents able to do this please (except Joeys).
Flush toilet, mop or sweep foyer floor if needed
Lock internal door. turn lights off.
Lock external door using key pin lock box - Leaders will tell you the code.