Newsletter 2020 October
Welcome to all our new and returning members. SJW membership stands at 122, which is possibly the largest we’ve ever been (certainly larger than for many decades). We have spaces in the Wednesday Cubs (age 8-10), Thursday Venturers (age 14-18) and Wednesday Rovers (age 18-25) and a few spots in other age ranges. We are looking for parent help in the cub section, Joeys, the Group Committee and in parent patrols.
Scouts have thrived under COVID with resilience being demonstrated. Please remember to keep everyone safe by staying home if unwell and following the safety signs at our Scout den.
Group Night Friday 23 Oct; dinner from 5:30; activities 6:15
Group night is held in week 3 of term, and is very popular with the youth and replaces the normal meeting night that week (Mon & Wed Cubs, Thurs Joeys and Venturers, Wed Rovers). A separate invitation will be sent by Operoo form to collect dinner orders. As always, help required on Thursday night (new staysharp knives will make preparation a breeze) and Friday BBQ duty. The invitation is here.
Adult membership information sessions – important – Mon 26 & Wed 28 Oct
Two important meetings about the future of our Scout Group, which is volunteer run and needs volunteers to join the team to continue, from as little as one hour a month, to one night a week, or more if you enjoy it and committing to a one year period.
We are inviting friends and former members of the Scout Group as well as all current families. It is important that at least one parent from each family – but preferably both – attend one of these meetings. The Cub and Joey Scouts will be outside while we have a short meeting, in the top den, followed by supper.
A separate Operoo form will be issued to RSVP.
New member sessions “Introduction to Scouting” – Thurs 29 Oct & Thurs 26 Nov
To welcome new parents into the group (including those transferring in), and to fulfil our safety responsibilities, please attend the next mandatory “Introduction to Scouting” session Thurs 29 Oct at 6:30 pm for one hour max.
Scouts Qld requires the Leader of the Group (me) to personally brief all new parents and children and the easiest, and most engaging way, is with a short group session. The usual format is a briefing by me, a perspective from a parent, meet and greet so that we all know a little about the new families and a short youth session mainly around personal safety and expectations. Cub Scouts can join the Joey program for the night, and we’ll try and accommodate siblings in the Joey program, but please check in with the Joey Scout leaders at the start of the night.
Please respond by logging into Operoo and submitting the “Introduction to Scouting” form.
Group break-up, THURS 10 Dec: Fun night at the Albany Creek water centre
Keep the date free. (oops, earlier we wrote Friday, but 10 Dec is a Thursday)
SJW Rovers wins coveted “paddle” award for best crew
Our Rover crew won the paddle this year, for the best Rover Crew in Queensland. The paddle concept comes from Scouts founder BP, who encouraged Rover Scouts to “paddle their own canoe”, which means take control of your life. Well done Rovers!
Venturer den renovation, car park, bike path, other works
Our 10c container donation bin is generating about $1000/year revenue, with potential for more if parents can bring containers to the den and encourage family, friends and neighbours. Access to our donation point is very convenient. The Venturer den renovation is proceeding satisfactorily so walk upstairs and inspect. A solar system will be installed with grant funding on the new Venturer den roof. The recent asbestos report found “no asbestos detected” for this building. Gresham St bridge is being replaced, with some consequent positive changes to our driveway access anticipated in early 2021 thanks to close liaison between Scouts and BCC. BCC is replacing the bike path, scheduled for this term.
Bowls Club/New building
The Ashgrove Bowls Club has closed, and Scouts have expressed an interest in moving the younger sections to that site (500 meters from the current den). Community groups will tender. If successful, it will be a positive move with some transitional issues and we ask for your patience. Long term, the much loved and charming “main den” will be demolished as it can’t be brought up to modern community standards. Scouts motto is “Be Prepared” and our plan B is to build a new Scout hall on our existing leased site in front of the current main den but that is not a simple task. Venturers and Rovers will continue in either case to operate out of the two storey building.
Other items, and thanks.
Please take the time to thank our volunteers for the amazing service that they bring to Scouts.
Most of our members are now on the new youth badge system and using Terrain, the badge programming and recording system.
Blue Cards, the working with children check, have changed to a simpler and quicker system, and the turnaround on getting a new card has reduced from six weeks to perhaps a week (we’re still learning). A blue card is required to attend any overnight activity, but it is now quicker and simple provided you follow the process in the SJW website.
Parent patrols allow parents to help in organised small groups just like the youth. Select a patrol and get involved.
We have a small committee to support the uniformed leaders that meets monthly and we need a secretary and chair (currently Alan is acting as chair and secretary). Please get in touch if you are willing to help. More info.