Neigbouring Scout Groups

Neighbouring Scout Groups

St Johns Wood Scouts is part of a World wide movement and there are several groups nearby.  Joint activities are held frequently to encourage friendships and  build confidence with meeting new people.

Taylor Range District "TRD" Scout Groups

Other Groups close to our District but not in the Taylor Range :

St Johns wood Scout Group often hosts other scout groups at our Den (hall) at 547 Waterworks Road, Ashgrove.

Scout groups belong to a District, part of a region, part of Queensland, part of Australia, which belongs to the world-wide movement. At each level, youth learn practical leadership skills and are an important part of decision making that increases with age.

The  Scout Group Locator provides contact details for other groups in Queensland. It does not matter what group you try; what matters is you try scouting!

Scouts are run by Volunteers and sometimes there may be a delay in responding to your inquiry due to Family, Work or Other Scouting Commitments.